
Contact Us!

Due to diabolical spam spiders, we are no longer posting our email addresses as links in the HTML pages of this site. Instead we offer this bit of verbal encoding below, with apologies for any inconvenience.

To contact us for bookings, please post to: bookings at-here oakashthorn dot-here com.


...and for those of you who--like us--miss our Baritone Emeritus, Dale Hill, and would like to keep in touch:

dale1.jpg (2101 bytes)Dale can be reached via
anacreon at-here sometel dot-here net

Some Dale & OAT FAQs:

  • Yes, he really has moved to Maine.  Permanently.  He bought a house on a bend in the river with a barn and endless possibilities for window treaments.
  • Yes, he loves snow.
  • Yes he was one of the original trio (with Tom and Doug).  His is, in fact, our Founder.  He came up with the brilliant idea of dressing up and making noise to get into the Renaissance Faires for free.  (It was their idea to pay us.)
  • No, he is no longer singing with us (see item one).  He has never been one to phone in a performance.




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